We have started (or will soon start) marketing the property you're renting to new tenants, this is a short guide to explain how this will all work. 

Access Arrangements:

  • We will send you text messages (and email messages if you're one of our existing tenants) at least 24 hours before viewing appointments. 
  • You do not need to be home, however, you're welcome to be home if you choose to be. 
  • Our system is set up to default to viewing appointments facilitated by the existing tenants (as though we were not going to attend and you were going to show the new tenants directly without us being there), however, this is not the case, therefore, when the message says "Please reply if inconvenient" you can ignore that because it only applies to viewings where we won't be attending with the keys and you'd be meeting the tenants directly (which will not happen in your case). 

Preparing The Property For Viewing Appointment:

  • Please ensure that the property is clean and well presented at all times over the next few weeks to ensure that we find replacement tenants quickly and can disturb you as little as possible over the next few weeks.
  • The better the property looks the sooner we will find new tenants and we can stop coming around for viewing appointments

Protecting Your Privacy:

  • All of the people we bring to your property will have agreed to abide by our "Viewing Appointment Terms and Conditions"
  • The above terms and conditions set out how we ensure your privacy and property are protected during viewing appointments.

Your Tenancy Agreement:

  • The terms of your tenancy agreement mean that we have the right to carry out viewing appointments with our set of keys when you are not home (even if you want to be home but you cannot make the specified appointment time).
  • Unfortunately, as per the terms of the tenancy agreement, we cannot change appointments because you can't be at home, you're going to be sleeping in, you're having a party, etc. 
  • We have a duty to your landlord to find a good quality replacement tenant as soon as we can, therefore, we have to show potential tenants the property when they are available, not necessarily when it suits you best.

Thank you in advance for your cooperation, and remember, the sooner we will find new tenants, the sooner we can stop coming around for viewing appointments.